Thursday, December 18, 2014

Keurig: Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee

Normally I prefer espresso, as you may have gleaned from previous posts... but since my office recently installed a Keurig instant coffee dispenser, I decided to find it out if it is indeed possible to coerce a decent cup of coffee out of this machine.

The good news is: with just a few tweaks to the manufacturer's recommended guidelines, you CAN in fact get a delicious cup of coffee out of a Keurig machine.

Here's how, in 5 easy steps, with pictures.

1. Open the lid of the Keurig machine.

2. Insert the desired K-Cup. MAKE SURE to use an 'unflavoured' or otherwise unembellished coffee flavour. (i.e. "dark roast" is good. "hazelnut caramel vanilla pumpkin spice" is bad.)

3. Insert 1, 2 or 3 Golden Oreo cookies on top of the inserted K-Cup. (suit to taste)

4.  Close the lid and press the button to brew!

5. Voila... after some grinding and spluttering, beverage and cup are dispensed onto the tray. Enjoy!

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